Why We Love Nature Study

I’ve been so excited to write about nature study because it’s become such a rich, exciting time of learning for our family!  I’ve been a nature lover from the time I was a child, but had no idea how much something as fun as nature study could reach so deeply into every single realm of science.  Nor did I realize that God would reveal Himself to my family in such a powerful way as we find Him during nature walks.
Can you tell I’m pretty passionate about nature study?  Early on, I used to be a CM homeschooler who added nature study to the schedule when and if we had time.  It was an extra, a luxury of sorts, that came after the “real” lessons.  Several years ago, I challenged myself to incorporate nature study weekly since it was such an important part of a Charlotte Mason education.  Boy, was I surprised to find our scheduled afternoon of nature study became the most anticipated activity of the week!
Kids love to get outside.  They need to get outside.  Fresh air, sunshine and exercise keep us healthy and happy.  Something about a lesson outdoors just sparks the interest of my children in a way that no other lesson can.  For my rambunctious son, I’m sure he appreciates being able to run, jump and climb without being told to “sit down and get busy!”
Enough rambling.  Below is an introduction to nature study that I’ve included in several workshops I’ve taught and a few of my NaturExplorers publications.  It’s lengthy, but explains nature study more concisely than my rambling!

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About Me. I'm Dmtk senavirathne and an undergraduate at the Buddhist and pali university